Thursday, March 31, 2011

What I've been working on

Recently I have been making a concert poster for the Three Stooges. I tried to make it look old by using textures from the web. This poster is meant for 1957 so I think it fits the time area. To create this I took alot of time looking at other concert posters from Elvis and Johnny Cash. They inspired me to make this look like it did. I tried to make it funny and I really enjoy what I created.

Friday, March 18, 2011

1300065239_7677.jpgThis image was created by Morton T. This artist is really into creating designs about current events that are happening around the world. In the picture we see the plates that have moved with band aids over them to help heal the cracks. We see the cross over Japan for those who have died in the recent tragedy. I enjoyed this because we have been hearing a lot about the crisis and it is true what the artist has said, that we are all praying for those that are unfortunate. I think the whole concept is a great idea, simple yet powerful. I think people should check out Morton T. because his art has meaning behind them. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Emotions Project

The emotions project was a project that I needed to take an emotion and only using that word, create an image that matches the word. So for example I took strong and by using the word strong created an image that reflected its meaning. Some things that influenced my work was different fonts, filling space and placing the letters where I thought they would fit best. Another key principle was balance. It was really important to balance the letters that created the image. I made this design my own in many ways. I was able to use my own emotion words and create images that I felt would reflect the meaning of each word. I picked, Happy, Strong, Confused and Angry. Deciding what colors to use was also very influential. The process I went through was to first find the words I wanted to use. Next I sketched out what I thought lines would look like for each word and then I went ahead and created an image on Illustrator. It was very tricky to come up with original Ideas.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Title Page

Negative Logos

My first logo was a logo that describes me. Whenever I have free time I enjoy going golfing even though I am an amateur. This logo shows how I like golf because you can see my initials on a golf ball. In the logo I used negative space with the J making it a golf bag, and had golf clubs sticking out on the top. The hardest part about this logo for me was creating something that looked like a golf ball. The first few attempts where not so successful. Also finding a font that created the J the way I needed it for the golf bag was hard to find.
My second logo is for a company called Bauer that makes hockey equipment. I wanted to make a new logo for the company because their original logo is boring and plain. I wanted to make it more interesting with more meaning. I used negative space in the logo a few ways. The first thing was the B in the logo. I made it so that hockey skates would be in the B. This is because one of the companies main focuses is their hockey skates. The other use of negative space was the 1 in the letter R. This is there because they are the number one selling company in the hockey world, creating the best gear for players. The hardest part of this logo was coming up with some way to manipulate the companies name. Also it was very hard to make the skates in the letter B, which where free hand drawn in illustrator. 
I enjoyed this project, and really enjoyed looking up all the negative space logos that we see everyday but don't notice.