Monday, May 16, 2011

Image Fix Up

This project was to edit the picture so that it looked restored. To do this I used the clone stamp tool, the patch tool, and the spot tool in illustrator. For the huge holes in the image I was using the clone stamp tool to fill the empty space in. I used the spot healing brush mainly for the two peoples clothes. And the patch tool was used on just about anything. I found this project to be really cool, and I enjoyed the challenge of trying to restore the image. I believe I did a pretty good job for only using photoshop once or twice before hand.


The Image that I created for my surrealist project was a man thats head was a tv and he himself was the video game. To do this I tried to make his neck smoothly transform into a television. I added a background that matched the game that was in the T.V. I then added a filter to make the background to seem water smudged giving the image a new texture.
I made this Image my own by picking what game I wanted in the television. I changed the color of the mans jacket, and changed the filter of the background.
I created this image by finding a man walking. I cut him out of the image and place him on the background that I choose for the picture. then I placed a television trying to fade it perfectly with his neck. Then I found an Image of a video game and placed it in the tv. Lastly I added a controller to his hand and the video game system in his chest. This image is showing how video games have taken over many lives, and they are always on the mind.